Bagi anda yang menyimpan berbagai file di sana, sebaiknya mulai dari sekarang melakukan backup, apakah itu mau di pindahkan ke tempat lain atau ke komputer anda. Berikut kutipan pengumuman dari Yahoo Geocities :
Important notice: GeoCities is closing.
Dear Yahoo! GeoCities customer,
We're writing to let you know that Yahoo! GeoCities, our free web site building service and community, is closing on October 26, 2009.
On October 26, 2009, your GeoCities site will no longer appear on the Web, and you will no longer be able to access your GeoCities account and files.
What You Need to Do
If you'd like to move your web site, or save the images and other files you've posted online, you need to act now by choosing one of the following options:
• Move your site to Yahoo! Web Hosting.
We know your files are important to you, and we want to make moving to Web Hosting as easy and affordable as we can. For a limited time, you can move your files automatically, take advantage of terrific features like a personalized domain name and email, even redirect your GeoCities web address to your new site — all for only $4.99 a month for a full year.
For more information and complete terms, please see our special offer now.
• Download your files to your own computer.
With your pages and images saved offline, you can re-create your site with any hosting provider.
To quickly download your published files, visit your GeoCities web site, right-click on each page, and choose Save Page As... from the menu that appears. Choose a location on your computer to save your files, then click OK or Save. Learn more about downloading your files.
Don't Wait
Please be aware that after October 26, your GeoCities files will be deleted from our servers, and will not be recoverable. If you'd like to save your files, you must download them now or move to Yahoo! Web Hosting. If you need assistance, please visit the help center.
We want to thank you for being a GeoCities customer, and hope you continue to enjoy our other Yahoo! services.
Best regards,
The Yahoo! GeoCities team
Jika sekiranya ada file yang sangat penting, mending dari sekarang saja di backup karena jika telah sampai pada waktunya file anda akan di hapus oleh pihak Yahoo Geocities.
Karena di blog ini dulunya memakai hosting file Geocities maka anda harus menggantinya,klik kategori Kumpulan Script untuk mengetahuinya
kolom tutorial
25 komentar:
I just can't get what yahoo is going to do with its geocities?
salam kenal gan, sukses selalu dah, ku tunggu yah kunjungan baliknya :D
so nice your kontent
terima kaasih infonya.
share lagi yang lainnya ditunggu ya gan.
great info ,
visit us !
ikut nyimak artikelnya.,.,
nice post salam kenal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
makasih buat infonya gan.,.,.,
kunjungan sore gan.,.,.,.,. salam kenal
nice post. salam kenal gan thanks..........
kujungan perdana.......... salam kenal semunya!!!!!!
ikut menyimak gan
info yang bermanfaat gan
thnaks buat infonya.,.,
Berbagi Kata Kata Motivasi
Jangan Pernah Menghitung Kerugian Karena Akan Membuat Kita Malas Untuk Membangun Kembali Usaha Yang Rugi Tersebut. Kerugian Cukup Sebagai Bahan Instropeksi Diri Agar Kita Tidak Jatuh Pada Lubang Yang Sama.moga bermanfaat salam kenal.
nice post , ikut baca artikelnya
nice info ya
sukses slalu buat blog nya
Mohon bantuannya , mudah2n blog saya ini ada di serp google 1
great info ,
visit us !
I just can't get what yahoo is going to do with its geocities?
nice post..,
thnaks buat infonya.,.,
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